It is from the 2000 APUSH DBQ.

what was the main idea of Document I.

DBQ Question:
How successful was organized labor in improving the position of workers in the period from 1875 to 1900? Analyze the factors that contributed to the level of success achieved.

Please Reply ASAP

I have no idea what was in Document 1. We do not have access to this information.

It is document I you can find the documents in the sample DBQ when you type the dbq question on google search bar

Sorry -- but I couldn't find it.

I apologize, but I am unable to access specific documents from the 2000 APUSH DBQ. However, I can guide you on how to analyze Document I and determine its main idea.

1. Read the Document: Start by reading Document I carefully, paying attention to the main argument presented, any evidence provided, and the perspective or bias of the author.
2. Identify the main idea: Look for the central message or argument that the document is trying to convey. It could be a statement, an observation, or an opinion.
3. Analyze the content: Examine the evidence, examples, and details presented in the document. Consider how they support or develop the main idea.
4. Consider the context: Think about the historical context of the time period (1875-1900) and the issues related to organized labor and workers' conditions during that era.
5. Evaluate the author's perspective: Take into account any potential biases, assumptions, or motivations of the author. Consider how these factors may influence or shape the main idea.
6. Formulate your answer: Based on your analysis, summarize the main idea of Document I in your own words.

Once you have determined the main idea of Document I through this analysis, you will be able to apply it to the larger DBQ question and analyze its relevance to the success of organized labor in improving workers' positions from 1875 to 1900.