how can i go about answering the rest of the question. can you give me examples i can use? thank

If being part of a group and seeking and obtaining status in that group lead to individual success, what’ s wrong with herd-instinct? Explain in detail, using your own examples.

Define herd instinct
-Herd instinct the tendency to keep our beliefs and thus our actions, within the bounds of what society as a whole will accept.

Explain what is problematic about herd instinct

Give relevant example of why herd instinct can be bad

Consider the motives and actions of the different Occupy groups all over the USA in the past few months.

In Freudian theory, which one of the following is an example of a Thanatos instinct, which includes aggression, trauma, and risky behaviors?

To answer the question effectively, you can follow these steps:

1. Define herd instinct: Start by explaining what herd instinct means. As you already mentioned, herd instinct refers to the tendency of individuals to conform to the beliefs and actions accepted by society as a whole.

2. Explain what is problematic about herd instinct: Discuss the potential issues or drawbacks associated with herd instinct. You can mention that while being part of a group and seeking status can lead to individual success, solely relying on herd instinct can hinder personal growth and critical thinking. It can limit an individual's ability to question norms, explore new ideas, and make independent decisions.

3. Give relevant examples: Provide examples that illustrate the negative consequences of herd instinct. Here are a few examples you can use:

a) In a workplace scenario, if all employees conform to a particular way of doing tasks or solving problems without questioning the efficiency or effectiveness of these methods, it can lead to stagnation and prevent the organization from adapting to changing circumstances.

b) Consider a political context. If individuals blindly follow the beliefs and actions of a particular political party without critically evaluating the policies or considering alternative viewpoints, it can lead to a lack of diverse perspectives and potentially harmful decisions.

c) In the realm of social media, herd instinct can be evident in "cancel culture," where people tend to join in on criticizing or shaming someone without fully understanding the context or independently forming their own opinions. This can lead to unjust consequences and mob mentality.

Remember, these examples are just suggestions, and you can customize them according to your understanding and personal experiences.