what element is undergoing oxidation in the following reaction Zn(s)+AgNO3(aq) Zn(NO3)2(aq)+2Ag(s)

To determine which element is undergoing oxidation in the given reaction, we need to identify the changes in the oxidation states of each element involved.

The oxidation state of an element refers to the hypothetical charge it would have if the compound or molecule were composed of ions. In this reaction, we have zinc (Zn), silver (Ag), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O) as the elements involved.

Let's analyze the changes in oxidation states for each element:

In the reactant Zn(s) (solid zinc), the oxidation state of zinc is 0 since it is in its elemental form.

In the reactant AgNO3(aq) (silver nitrate), the silver ion (Ag+) has an oxidation state of +1, and the oxidation states of nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) are -3 and -2, respectively. The overall oxidation state of AgNO3 can be calculated by the formula: (+1) + (N) + (3 x O) = 0. Therefore, the nitrogen atom has an oxidation state of +5.

In the product Zn(NO3)2(aq) (zinc nitrate), the oxidation state of nitrogen (N) is -3, and the oxidation states of oxygen (O) are -2. The overall oxidation state of Zn(NO3)2 can be calculated by the formula: (+2) + (2 x N) + (6 x O) = 0. Therefore, the zinc atom in Zn(NO3)2 has an oxidation state of +2.

In the product 2Ag(s) (solid silver), the oxidation state of silver (Ag) is 0 since it is in its elemental form.

Now, let's compare the oxidation states of zinc in the reactant and product.

In the reactant Zn(s), the oxidation state of zinc is 0.

In the product Zn(NO3)2(aq), the oxidation state of zinc is +2.

We can see that the oxidation state of zinc has increased from 0 to +2 in the reaction. An increase in the oxidation state of an element means that it has undergone oxidation.

Therefore, in the given reaction, the element undergoing oxidation is zinc (Zn).

In the given reaction:

Zn(s) + AgNO3(aq) → Zn(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)

Zinc (Zn) is undergoing oxidation.

Oxidation is the process in which an element loses electrons. In this reaction, Zn is being oxidized from its elemental state (Zn in solid form) to Zn2+ in the aqueous form (Zn(NO3)2).

Zn loses two electrons and is oxidized from oxidation state 0 to +2.
