Last year,your class held a fundraiser and donated 850 dollars to a local charity.This year,your class's donation increased by 24%.How much did your class donate this year?

1.24 * 850 = ?

Is this right? 1,054 dollars.

sorry to interrupt but i did Ms.Sue's answer and you got it right!!!

Okay thanks:)

To find out how much your class donated this year, you need to calculate the increase of 24% and add it to the amount donated last year.

First, calculate the increase amount:
Increase Amount = (24/100) * Donation Last Year

Substitute the value of the donation last year:
Increase Amount = (24/100) * 850

Evaluate the expression:
Increase Amount = 0.24 * 850
Increase Amount = 204

Next, add the increase amount to the donation amount last year:
Donation This Year = Donation Last Year + Increase Amount
Donation This Year = 850 + 204
Donation This Year = 1054

Therefore, your class donated 1054 dollars this year.