Compare shakespeare sonnet 130 and edmund sonnet 130

To compare Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 and Edmund's Sonnet 130, we first need to understand the context and the themes of each sonnet. Sonnet 130 is one of Shakespeare's most famous sonnets, known for its unconventional and satirical portrayal of love. On the other hand, it's unclear which poet Edmund you are referring to, as there have been many poets with that name throughout history. Therefore, we will assume you are referring to Edmund Spenser, a contemporary of Shakespeare, who is known for his collection of sonnets called "Amoretti."

To compare the two sonnets, we can analyze their themes, structure, language, and overall message. However, since we don't have specific information about Edmund's Sonnet 130, I cannot provide a direct comparison between the two.

To find Edmund's Sonnet 130 and gather information about it, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by conducting thorough research on Edmund's Sonnet 130 by using search engines, online poetry databases, or reputable literary sources. Look for any available information or analysis of the sonnet to understand its themes, message, and style.

2. Literature anthologies: Check if Edmund's Sonnet 130 is included in any literature anthologies. These collections often provide background information and critical analysis that can help you in your comparison.

3. Poetic style: Compare the poetic style of Shakespeare and Edmund. Look for commonalities or differences in the way they use language, meter, rhyme scheme, and other structural elements. This will provide insights into their artistic choices and poetic techniques.

4. Themes and messages: Examine the themes explored in both sonnets. Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 famously challenges traditional beauty standards and romantic clichés, while Edmund's Sonnet 130 may have its own unique themes. Look for similarities or contrasting messages to understand how the poets express their ideas about love and beauty.

By following these steps, you can eventually find Edmund's Sonnet 130, gather information about it, and make a more informed comparison with Shakespeare's Sonnet 130.