Is the structure for chlorous acid

H O Cl O or H Cl O ?

I was thinking that both could be correct but I am not 100% sure.

It will be HClO

HClO is hypochlorous acid, The question was for chlorous acid, HClO2.

To determine the correct structure for chlorous acid, let's consider the valence electrons and the formal charges on the atoms.

The Lewis structure for chlorous acid has the chemical formula HClO2.

To begin, we count the total number of valence electrons for all the atoms:

H: 1 valence electron
Cl: 7 valence electrons
O: 6 valence electrons (since there are two oxygen atoms, we multiply by 2)

Total valence electrons: 1 + 7 + (6×2) = 20

Next, we place the atoms in a way that satisfies the octet rule (except for hydrogen, which only needs 2 electrons):

H - Cl - O - O

Next, we create single bonds between the atoms and distribute the remaining electrons (considering it has 20 electrons):

H - Cl - O : O

We distribute the remaining 14 electrons around the outer atoms (oxygen and chlorine) to complete their octets:

H - Cl - O : O

Finally, we distribute the remaining electrons, if any, to fulfill the octet rule for the central atom (chlorine). In this case, we have 14 electrons remaining, but chlorine can accommodate an expanded octet with more than 8 electrons. Therefore, we can use one of the lone pairs on the chlorine atom to form a double bond with one of the oxygen atoms:

H - Cl = O : O

Finally, we assign formal charges to each atom to check for stability. The formal charge is calculated as follows:

Formal charge = valence electrons - lone pair electrons - 0.5(bonding electrons)

For each atom in the structure, we have:

Hydrogen (H): 1 - 0 - 0.5(2) = 0
Chlorine (Cl): 7 - 2 - 0.5(4) = 0
Oxygen (O): 6 - 6 - 0.5(4) = 0

All the atoms in the structure have a formal charge of zero, which is a good indication of stability.

Therefore, the correct structure for chlorous acid (HClO2) is H - Cl = O : O, with a double bond between chlorine and one of the oxygen atoms.