What is wave length


There are several articles in here which should explain this well.


It is the distance between two sucessive crest. If you like this, add me on 2go@ lekzide505

The wavelength is a term used to describe the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase with each other. In other words, it is the distance between two identical points on a wave, such as two crests or two troughs.

To understand the concept of wavelength, imagine a wave traveling through space or along a medium, like a string or water. You can visualize it as a series of peaks (crests) and valleys (troughs). The wavelength is the distance between two adjacent crests or troughs.

To measure the wavelength, you typically need to find two corresponding points on the wave. For example, you can measure the distance from one crest to the next crest or from one trough to the next trough. It's essential to ensure that the points you choose are in phase, meaning they are at the same stage of their oscillation.

Once you have identified the two points, simply measure the distance between them. This distance represents the wavelength of the wave.

Wavelength is usually denoted by the symbol λ (lambda) and is commonly measured in units such as meters (m), nanometers (nm), or angstroms (Å), depending on the scale of the wave being observed. The specific unit used depends on the type of wave, such as electromagnetic waves (e.g., light) or acoustic waves (e.g., sound).