write the following numbers in standard form.



i. 4.98*10^7

ii. 3*10^-6

To write these numbers in standard form, you need to express them as a number multiplied by a power of 10.

i. 49800000
To rewrite this number in standard form, count the number of decimal places you need to move to the left before a non-zero digit is encountered. In this case, there are seven zeros after the 4, so we need to move the decimal point seven places to the left.

49800000 becomes 4.98 × 10^7.

ii. 0.000003
To rewrite this number in standard form, count the number of decimal places you need to move to the right before a non-zero digit is encountered. In this case, there are five zeros after the decimal point before we reach the 3, so we need to move the decimal point five places to the right.

0.000003 becomes 3 × 10^(-6).

Therefore, the numbers in standard form are:
i. 4.98 × 10^7
ii. 3 × 10^(-6)