I have to write a 700-1,050 word essay about my ethnic group but I don't know where to begin or where to search, do you have any advice?

I'd just go to http://www.google.com and enter my ethnicity and hit Enter -- see what happens. For example, I'd enter german-american. Others would enter other terms and, of course, get their own results.

If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:

Certainly! Writing an essay about your ethnic group can be an exciting and enriching experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started and gather information for your essay:

1. Research your ethnic group: Begin by familiarizing yourself with your ethnic group's history, traditions, customs, language, art, music, cuisine, and any significant events or contributions. Books, articles, documentaries, websites, and academic journals are excellent resources for this initial research.

2. Make a list of key points: As you gather information, note down key points that you find interesting and relevant to include in your essay. This could include historical milestones, cultural practices, social issues, famous personalities, and anything else that helps define your ethnic group.

3. Interview family members or individuals: Reach out to family members or community members who can provide personal insights or firsthand experiences regarding your ethnic group. This will not only add depth to your essay but also make it more personal and engaging.

4. Visit local cultural centers or museums: If possible, visit local cultural centers or museums that focus on your ethnic group. These institutions often have artifacts, exhibits, and experts who can provide valuable information and inspire your understanding of your cultural heritage.

5. Seek scholarly sources: Expand your research by diving into academic sources such as scholarly journals, books, and dissertations. These sources can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your ethnic group's history, traditions, and current issues. Online databases, libraries, and university resource websites are excellent places to find these sources.

6. Take notes and organize information: As you gather information from various sources, take detailed notes. Categorize your notes into sections or topics to make it easier to structure your essay later on. This will help you maintain focus and ensure that relevant information is included.

7. Develop an outline: Once you have gathered enough information, create an outline for your essay. Break it down into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect, event, or characteristic of your ethnic group while supporting your main thesis statement.

8. Draft your essay: Start writing your essay using the outline as a guide. Begin with an engaging introduction that introduces your ethnic group and provides an overview of what will be discussed in the essay. Follow this with the body paragraphs, where each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of your ethnic group in detail. Finally, conclude the essay by summarizing your main points and reinforcing the significance of your ethnic group's culture.

9. Revise and edit: After completing the first draft, take time to revise and edit your essay. Ensure your ideas and arguments flow logically, add transitions between paragraphs, and check for grammar or spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or mentors to get different perspectives and improve your essay further.

Remember, this essay is an opportunity for you to explore and showcase your understanding, experiences, and pride in your ethnic group. Enjoy the process and let your passion shine through your words!