Dont know if the radicals will show up..

2�ã3(�ã243-2)-�ã2(5+7�ã2) Can be expanded and simplified to the form
p + q�ã2 + r�ã3. the value of p + q + r is_____

First I simplified the V243 and I got 9V3


But this just doesnt work out, and i have no idea what ive done wrong.


= 2√729 - 4√3 - 5√2 - 7√4
= 54 - 4√3 - 5√2 - 14
= 40 - 4√3 - 5√2

comparing this with
p + q√2 + r√3
p=40, q= -5, and r = -4

so p+q+r = 40-5-4 = 31

check my arithmetic.

Ok, so I missed out the 4, and ended up writing 7V2. That missing out the 4 messed up everything, and yup you are right, thanks a bunch =D

To simplify the expression 2�ã3(�ã243-2)-�ã2(5+7�ã2) and obtain the form p + q�ã2 + r�ã3, let's go step by step to identify any mistakes you might have made:

Step 1: Simplify radical expressions inside parentheses
�ã243 can be simplified to 9�ã3, so we get:

Step 2: Distribute and combine like terms
Now, let's distribute the terms inside the first parentheses:
2�ã3 * 9�ã3 = 18�ã(3*3) = 18�ã9

2�ã3(-2) = -4�ã3

And distribute the terms inside the second parentheses:
�ã2 * 5 = 5�ã2

�ã2 * 7�ã2 = 7�ã(2*2) = 7�ã4 = 7�ã(2�ã2) = 7�ã(2�ã(2*1)) = 7�ã(2�ã2)

Combining the terms, we have:
18�ã9 - 4�ã3 - 5�ã2 - 7�ã(2�ã2)

Step 3: Simplify the radical expressions
�ã9 can be simplified to 3, so we have:
18 * 3 - 4�ã3 - 5�ã2 - 7�ã(2�ã2)

�ã3 cannot be simplified further, so it remains as -4�ã3.

Similarly, �ã2 cannot be simplified further, so it remains as -5�ã2.

�ã(2�ã2) cannot be simplified further, so it remains as -7�ã(2�ã2).

Combining the simplified terms, we get:
54 - 4�ã3 - 5�ã2 - 7�ã(2�ã2)

Now, we have the expression in the form p + q�ã2 + r�ã3, where p = 54, q = -5, and r = -7.

Finally, we can calculate p + q + r:
p + q + r = 54 + (-5) + (-7) = 42

Therefore, the value of p + q + r is 42.