I'm working on distances like saying something is closest far away or furthest.

Are these correct for what I put in English as the closest far away or furthest-
1.furthest away- Preferiero aquella arana.(accent over n)
2.far away-Prefiero esa gallina.
3. far away-Prefiero esos papagayos.
4.closest -Prefiero este pez.
5.far away-Prefiero ese serpiente.
6.furthest away-Prefiero aquella vaca.

Correction-Number 5 should be

Prefiero esa serpiente. Correct because its feminine?

este, esta, estos, estas = this/these

ese, esa, esos, esas = that/those (you can almost reach)

aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas = that/those (beyond reach)

#5 = I prefer THAT snake.


I'm sorry but I don't understand about #5-I should have written it as I could almost reach it so it would be Prefiero esa sepiete. Is that correct?

Were the others correct
I guess my closest is this/these
My far away is you can almost reach them and my fathest would be that/those
Thanks for checking

Please recheck my above posting-thank you

There is a fact, for most of the people a snake is better if it is far away, then in spanish I will use "aquella" or "esa"( if I do not see, because it is far away from me and the person who I am talking to. but, why to use the verb prefer (most of time you must use in comparations = Prefiero esa serpiente a este perro flaco y maltrecho / Prefiero ir a correr que andar en bicicleta, etcétera.

Prefiero esa/aquella serpiente.

To express distances in Spanish, you can use words like "cerca" (close), "lejos" (far), and "más lejos" (furthest). However, in the sentences you provided, the phrases you used do not accurately convey the intended meaning. Here are the corrected sentences:

1. Furthest away: Prefiero aquella araña.
2. Far away: Prefiero esa gallina.
3. Far away: Prefiero esos papagayos.
4. Closest: Prefiero este pez.
5. Far away: Prefiero esa serpiente.
6. Furthest away: Prefiero aquella vaca.

Remember to use the correct gender agreement between the noun and adjective. Additionally, in Spanish, it is common to use the verb "estar" to indicate location or position. For example, you can say "La araña está más lejos" (The spider is furthest away) or "El pez está más cerca" (The fish is closest).