What is the volume of a sphere with a 10 inch radius?

pleas give me the website


To find the volume of a sphere with a given radius, you can use the formula:

V = (4/3)πr³

For this problem, you are given that the radius of the sphere is 10 inches. Now let's calculate the volume step by step:

Step 1: Square the radius:
r² = 10² = 100

Step 2: Cube the squared radius:
r³ = 100 * 10 = 1000

Step 3: Multiply by (4/3)π:
V = (4/3)π * 1000

Step 4: Calculate the volume:
V ≈ 4.18 * 1000

The volume of a sphere with a 10-inch radius is approximately 4,186.67 cubic inches.