Do you think Communism will end the recession ?

Communism as an economic system is practiced in very few countries these days (Cuba; North Korea). The current Great Recession is global and has nothing to do with communism. Communism will certainly not help end it.

what about socialism?

Socialism is not a single economic system,it there are several varieties of socialism economics.

One is being practiced in Venezuela, and they certainly are struggling to regain some semblance of economic growth.

What kind of government will fix recession then?

Isnt communism the central gov control over all private agencies ! Wont that let the government control the offices and and make more.. Instead of giving funds and welfare to people who are still able to work, why doesnt the government create agencies where there lazy people can work at, and produce some resources and possibly more revenue ! instead of just eating it and wasting it.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with information on the topic. Communism is an economic and political ideology that aims to create a classless society where resources are owned collectively and distributed based on need. It has been implemented differently in various countries, with varying degrees of success and challenges.

To address the question of whether communism will end a recession, it's essential to understand that recessions are complex economic phenomena influenced by many factors. They are typically characterized by a general decline in economic activity, including reduced production, high unemployment, and falling prices.

Proponents of communism argue that it can address issues like income inequality, exploitation, and resource allocation. However, it's important to note that historically, communist countries have faced their own economic challenges. These challenges have included centralized planning, lack of individual incentives, limited entrepreneurial freedom, and difficulties in adapting to market demands.

In theory, in a communist system, resources would be distributed according to needs, aiming to provide everyone with equal opportunities and a fair share. However, how effective this would be in ending a recession depends on many factors, including the specific implementation of communism, external economic influences, and the global economic context.

It's worth noting that there are alternative economic systems and policies that can also be implemented to address recessions, such as fiscal stimulus, monetary policy measures, and structural reforms. Different countries and economists have varied views on the most effective strategies.

Ultimately, whether communism or any other economic ideology can end a recession is debatable and depends on a multitude of factors. It's important to examine the specific context, historical evidence, and economic theory before making conclusions.