In the song:

How Come, How Long
By: Stevie Wonder...

1) What are the two types of abuse evident in the song?

2) Discuss the meaning of the line "she had a college degree, smart as anyone could be; there was not enough education in her world that could save the life of this little girl..."

I found out that there are foour types of abuse: physical, neglect, Sexual and Emotional

For number one is it physical and sexual?

and does #2 means that she might be smart in book things and other things but not educated in relationships???

1) Because she fell in love with the wrong kind of man, he killed her. No one seemed to notice. He also beat her.

2) As smart as she was, she was not smart enough to see what kind of man he was.

The abuse was certainly physical and that leads to emotional abuse as well.

Correct in the meaning of #2.


In the song "How Come, How Long" by Stevie Wonder, there are indeed two types of abuse evident.

1) The two types of abuse evident in the song are physical abuse and emotional abuse.

To determine the type of abuse, you can analyze the lyrics of the song. Physical abuse is implied in lines like "How come, how long, it's not right, it's so wrong, do we let it just go on, turned our backs and walked away?" This suggests that the abuse being described involves physical harm and violence.

Emotional abuse is also present in the song, evident in the line "how can a child with so much pain come into this world and not complain?" This indicates that emotional distress is being inflicted upon the child, possibly through manipulation, belittling, or neglect.

Therefore, the two types of abuse evident in the song are physical abuse and emotional abuse.

2) The line "she had a college degree, smart as anyone could be; there was not enough education in her world that could save the life of this little girl" carries a deeper meaning.

This line suggests that the woman mentioned had achieved a high level of education and intellectual prowess ("college degree, smart as anyone could be"). However, despite her intellectual capabilities, the song implies that she lacks the knowledge and understanding necessary to protect and save the life of the little girl.

The line highlights the idea that education alone cannot always prevent or rescue individuals from dangerous situations, specifically in the context of abuse. It suggests that even though someone may be academically smart or well-educated, they might still lack the emotional intelligence, awareness, or resources to deal effectively with personal relationships and the trauma caused by abuse.

So, to summarize, the line indicates that the woman might be intellectually smart but lacks the education or knowledge required to navigate and address abusive situations, particularly when it comes to protecting the life of the little girl involved.