who administers the roman catholis schools in a diocese?

the religious community
director of education
board of education elected by church members

on the local level the public schools are

run by whom?
the principal
the teachers
the superintendant
an elected school board.

in general a person who wants a job as a teacher aide in a public school should first contact

the local school board
the provincial ministry of education (my answer) please say if its wrong

your answer is wrong. Try principal.

which on of the following factors contributes to the importance of teachers aides in schools today?

a decrease in the population
the decline of women in the work force
the financial crisis in the schools(my answer)
reduced teachers salaries

I agree.

the kindergaten movement is important to the history of the teacher aide field because

a)kindergartens employed the first teachers aide
B)kindergartens made use of volunteers in the classroom(my answer)
c)kindergartens relieved the teachers shortage
D)in contribute to the increase in working mothers

in canada education is the responsibility of the

a)federal government
b)provincial government(my answer)
c)municipal government
d)parent committes

some provinces don't allow teacher aides to

a)take attendance(my answer)
b)aid in instructing a class
c)monitor the halls
d)supervise the bus

please help by checking my answers thank you so much

if you've been working on a particular examination question and you can't figure out the answer.what should you do?

A)call the instructors and ask for answers or a page reference.
B)put the exam away for a day or two and then review it again(my answer)

which one of the following study materials is designed for use with a separate textbook?
a)study guide(my answer)
c)pratical erercise

please help

on the local level the public schools are

run by whom?
a)the principal
b)the teachers and the staff
c)the superintendant
d)an elected school board(my answer)