Will someone check my work here and let me know if I am right. Thanks.

x+y/7 for x=44 and y=12
My answer is x+y/7=8

2. Translate to an algebraic expression.
The product of 42% and some number.
The translation is .42x=y

3. Use < or> to make the statment true.
my answer 7<18

4. Multiply -1/7 times (8/5)
My Answer is 8/35

All are correct.

if 1+1=121

then 3+3= ?

1. To evaluate the expression x+y/7 for x=44 and y=12, you need to substitute the given values of x and y into the expression and follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) to get the result.

First, you need to divide y by 7:
y/7 = 12/7 = 1.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

Then, add the value of x:
x + y/7 = 44 + 1.71 = 45.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

So, the correct evaluation of x+y/7 for x=44 and y=12 is approximately 45.71, not 8.

2. To translate the phrase "The product of 42% and some number" into an algebraic expression, you can represent the unknown number as 'x'.

The word "product" indicates multiplication, and the phrase "42%" means 42 out of 100 or 0.42 as a decimal.

Therefore, the algebraic expression becomes:
0.42x = y

3. To determine whether the statement "7 < 18" is true or false, you need to compare the values using the < (less than) symbol.

In this case, 7 is indeed less than 18, so the statement "7 < 18" is true. Therefore, your answer of "7 < 18" is correct.

4. To multiply -1/7 by 8/5, you need to multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together.

-1/7 * 8/5 = (-1 * 8)/(7 * 5) = -8/35

So, your answer of -8/35 for -1/7 times 8/5 is correct.