What should I do to practice my math and reading before I start school so I can get my brain in gear and havesome time to know what i'm doing that is new.

For math - use the exercises and quizzes and lessons in here:



(from http://www.themathpage.com )

For reading - just read lots and LOTS:


There is also quite a lot of helpful test and information on maths on the BBC bitesize web site. This is one page


but the site has huge amount there.


To practice your math and reading skills before starting school, here are some recommendations:

1. Review previous materials: Go over the math and reading concepts you learned in the previous school year or semester. This will help refresh your memory and reinforce your understanding of the topics.

2. Use educational websites and apps: There are numerous websites and apps that offer interactive lessons, quizzes, and practice exercises for math and reading. Khan Academy, IXL, and Duolingo are popular platforms that provide structured learning materials.

3. Read regularly: Get into the habit of reading every day. Choose books, newspapers, or magazines that interest you. Reading will improve your vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.

4. Solve practice problems: Look for math problem books, workbooks, or online resources with practice problems and exercises. Solving a variety of problems will enhance your problem-solving abilities and mathematical reasoning.

5. Seek online resources: Explore online resources specifically designed to help students practice math and reading. Many educational websites offer free worksheets, interactive exercises, and tutorials.

6. Consider tutoring or educational programs: If you feel you need additional guidance, you can look for tutors or educational programs that offer specialized math and reading instruction. They can provide personalized guidance and feedback to accelerate your learning.

Remember to set a schedule for practicing math and reading consistently. Allocating dedicated time each day or week will ensure you make progress and build your skills effectively.