In which of the following situation would it be BEST to recast the situation as a positive message?

A.When you want to maintain goodwill with the reader, because you still have to deal with each other.
B. When there really is not a reason for the refusal.
C. When you can offer an alternative that will still enable the reader accomplish his or goals
D.When the reader is already expecting bad news

I think it is A

A is probably the best answer, yes.

To determine the best situation to recast a message as a positive one, you need to carefully evaluate each option. Let's go through them one by one:

A. When you want to maintain goodwill with the reader, because you still have to deal with each other.
Recasting a situation as a positive message is a good approach when you want to maintain a positive relationship with the reader, especially if you have ongoing interactions or business dealings. By presenting a situation in a positive light, you can help preserve goodwill and avoid damaging the relationship.

B. When there really is not a reason for the refusal.
If there is genuinely no valid reason for refusing a request, it may be appropriate to recast the situation as a positive message. By doing so, you can communicate your decision in a more gentle and diplomatic manner. However, keep in mind that being honest and sincere is important, so if there is an unrelated reason for the refusal, it may be better to address it openly.

C. When you can offer an alternative that will still enable the reader to accomplish his or her goals.
If you are able to provide an alternative solution that allows the reader to achieve their objectives, recasting the situation as a positive message can be highly effective. By offering an alternative, you demonstrate your willingness to help and maintain a cooperative atmosphere, even though the initial request may not be feasible.

D. When the reader is already expecting bad news.
In some situations, the reader may already anticipate receiving negative information. Recasting the situation as a positive message can help soften the blow and make the bad news more palatable. By presenting the information in a more positive light, you can mitigate disappointment and potentially maintain the reader's trust and respect.

Considering the above options, it appears that both option A (maintain goodwill with the reader) and option D (reader expecting bad news) can be appropriate situations to recast the message as a positive one. However, it ultimately depends on the specific context and your objectives.