Write three paragraphs, with a total minimum word count of 500 words, explaining what your point of view will be and what you plan to accomplish in your paper. “Credit card companies should not be on campus marketing to college students”

Please post your paragraphs when you have written them, and someone here will give you feedback.

The topic that I have chosen to research for my persuasive essay is on whether “Credit card companies should not be on campus marketing to college students”. The point of view that I will be taking on “Credit card companies should not be on campus marketing to college students” is that I would be agreeing with that stamens and supporting the facts behind it.

The plan that I have in order to support the stamen is to research the topic and find evidence that show facts, logic, examples and finding experts opinions that show how credit cards have affected college students and how it continues to affect them as a population. That why the reader can take on what I am trying to show the individual.

My overall position is to educate other individual on the affects that credit card marketing to college students can be very bad. Credit card marketing to college students can start them in a path of bad credit because of the fast buying that can bill. As well as the emotional and physical stress it could lead to.

You have written up your plan. "I plan to..." "I would be agreeing..." etc.

Please write your 3 paragraphs without any use of "I" or "you" or any of their forms.

Also, please read this, especially the second bulleted item:

Bella, please be sure to post your re-write. I'll go over it for you.


In this paper, my point of view is that credit card companies should not be allowed to engage in marketing activities on college campuses targeting college students. The rationale behind this claim is rooted in the potential harms that arise from such marketing practices, which include targeted exploitation of college students, exacerbated financial burdens, and negative impacts on academic endeavors.

Body Paragraph 1: Exploitation of College Students

Credit card companies often employ aggressive marketing strategies on college campuses, often targeting inexperienced and financially vulnerable students. These tactics exploit the financial naiveté and limited credit history of young adults, leading them to sign up for credit cards without fully understanding the long-term consequences. By setting up promotional booths or sponsoring campus events, these companies strategically position themselves to entice students with enticing offers and deceptive marketing tactics. As a result, many students fall into the trap of accumulating high levels of debt, which can impede their financial stability for years to come.

To support my claim, I plan to analyze studies on the marketing practices of credit card companies and highlight specific instances where students have faced severe financial consequences due to these practices. Additionally, I will explore the ethical implications of targeting young, financially inexperienced individuals for profit and discuss the need for stricter regulations to protect students from predatory marketing.

Body Paragraph 2: Exacerbated Financial Burdens

Another key point to consider is that credit card marketing on college campuses exacerbates the already existing financial burdens that students face. Many college students are already saddled with hefty tuition fees, substantial loans, and living expenses. Adding credit card debt to these existing financial obligations can overwhelm students and push them further into financial distress. Rather than encouraging responsible financial habits, credit card companies often capitalize on the vulnerability of college students, trapping them in a cycle of escalating debt and high-interest rates.

To strengthen my argument, I plan to analyze data on student debt, including statistics on credit card debt specifically, and showcase the negative impacts it has on students' financial well-being. I will also discuss the correlation between increased credit card usage among college students and diminished financial resources for essentials, such as textbooks and housing.

Body Paragraph 3: Negative Impact on Academic Endeavors

Lastly, credit card marketing on college campuses can have detrimental effects on students' academic pursuits. By luring students into debt, these marketing practices divert their attention away from their primary goal of education. Coupled with the stress of managing financial obligations, students may become distracted and struggle to maintain focus on their studies. As a result, academic performance may suffer, leading to a less fulfilling educational experience and potentially hindering future career prospects.

To support this claim, I will delve into the psychological and cognitive effects of financial stress on students. I will draw on research studies that highlight how financial burdens can impair academic performance and explore the indirect impacts on students' mental well-being. Additionally, I will discuss the importance of creating an environment that fosters student success and argue that credit card marketing undermines this objective.


In this paper, I have presented the viewpoint that credit card companies should not be allowed to conduct marketing activities on college campuses targeting college students. The potential harms associated with these practices, such as exploitation of students, increased financial burdens, and negative impacts on academic endeavors, support the argument for stricter regulations. By raising awareness about the adverse effects of credit card marketing on students, this paper aims to contribute to discussions surrounding consumer protection and advocate for policies that safeguard the financial well-being and educational pursuits of college students.