3. Perceiving yourself to be a target of discrimination and prejudice can affect you negatively. Citing two (2) examples of each, explain how this may happen

4. Images of a new self can motivate us to change. Identify a “Desired Possible Self” and describe the changes you would need to make to achieve your desired self. Be sure to include the emotional, behavioural and cognitive factors involved in this change and how this will improve your ability to function

these questions all worth 20 mrks

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To answer these questions, let's break them down into two parts and explain how to approach each part.

Part 1: Perceiving yourself as a target of discrimination and prejudice can affect you negatively. Cite two examples of each and explain how this may happen.

To answer this question, you need to provide two examples each of discrimination and prejudice, and then explain how each example can negatively impact someone. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Define and provide examples of discrimination:
Discrimination refers to treating someone differently or unfairly based on attributes such as race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status. For example:

Example 1 - Race discrimination: Suppose someone of Asian descent is continually overlooked for promotions at work, despite meeting the qualifications. This disparity in treatment may lead to feelings of frustration, low self-esteem, and decreased motivation.

Example 2 - Gender discrimination: Consider a situation where a woman consistently faces unequal pay compared to her male colleagues for doing the same job. This inequity can contribute to a sense of injustice, anger, and diminished job satisfaction.

2. Define and provide examples of prejudice:
Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes, often negative, formed without sufficient knowledge or examination of facts. For instance:

Example 1 - Religious prejudice: Imagine a scenario where a person is mocked or excluded from social groups due to their religious beliefs. This exclusion can lead to feelings of isolation, a loss of belongingness, and a negative impact on their mental health.

Example 2 - Socio-economic prejudice: Suppose someone is judged or stigmatized because they come from a lower socio-economic background. This prejudice can create barriers to educational and job opportunities, leading to limited socio-economic mobility and increased inequality.

Part 2: Images of a new self can motivate us to change. Identify a "Desired Possible Self" and describe the changes you would need to make to achieve your desired self. Include emotional, behavioral, and cognitive factors involved in this change and how they will improve your ability to function.

To address this question, you need to identify a desired possible self, describe the changes you would need to make, and explain the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive factors involved in achieving this desired self. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Identify a desired possible self:
Think about how you would like to be in the future. It could be related to your career, relationships, physical health, or personal development. For example, you might aspire to become a confident public speaker.

2. Describe the changes needed to achieve your desired self:
Identify the specific changes you would need to make in terms of behaviors, emotions, and thoughts to reach your desired possible self. For example:

- Behavioral changes: You may need to take courses on public speaking, practice in front of others, or actively seek opportunities to speak in public settings.
- Emotional changes: You might need to work on managing anxiety or fear associated with public speaking, developing a sense of self-assurance and confidence.
- Cognitive changes: You could challenge negative self-talk or beliefs that hinder your ability to speak confidently in public, replacing them with positive affirmations and thoughts.

3. Explain how these changes will improve your ability to function:
Discuss how the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive changes involved in achieving your desired possible self will result in improved functioning. For public speaking example:

- Emotionally: Improved confidence and reduced anxiety can lead to enhanced ability to handle stressful situations.
- Behaviorally: Acquiring public speaking skills can open doors for career advancement, as effective communication is highly valued in many professions.
- Cognitively: Developing a positive mindset and overcoming self-doubt can enhance overall self-esteem and personal growth.

By breaking down each part of these questions and explaining how to approach them, you should now have a clear framework to answer these questions effectively.