1)Consider a contour map for the region around a hilltop.

a) at some point on the map, in which direction ( relative to the contour lines) is the direction of steepest ascent.
b) what can you say about spacing of contour lines versus the steepness of the land?

a) To determine the direction of steepest ascent at a particular point on the contour map, you need to observe the pattern of the contour lines. Contour lines indicate lines of equal elevation. Steep slopes are usually represented by closely spaced contour lines, while gentle slopes have more widely spaced contour lines.

To find the direction of steepest ascent, you should look for a perpendicular line to the contour lines. This means that the line has to cross the contours at right angles. The direction of steepest ascent will be perpendicular to the contour lines and will point towards higher elevations.

b) The spacing of contour lines provides information about the steepness of the land. When the contour lines are closely spaced, it indicates a steep slope or a rapid change in elevation. Conversely, widely spaced contour lines indicate a gentle slope or a gradual change in elevation.

Therefore, the spacing of contour lines can give you an idea of how steep or gentle the land is. If the contour lines are closely spaced, it suggests a steep gradient, while widely spaced contour lines indicate a more gradual slope.