Which of these statements concerning the centromere is NOT true?

a. it appears to join dupicated DNAs
b. It anchors proteins to DNA.
c. Its position along the chromosome varies
d. It is visible as a constriction on the chromosome.
e. IT is where sister chromatids attach to each other.

I think its d or e... not sure tho.

d is true.

To determine which statement concerning the centromere is NOT true, let's analyze each option:

a. It appears to join duplicated DNAs.
This statement is true. The centromere is responsible for holding together two identical DNA molecules, called sister chromatids, which are produced during DNA replication.

b. It anchors proteins to DNA.
This statement is also true. The centromere contains specific sequences of DNA that attract and bind proteins involved in chromosome structure and cell division.

c. Its position along the chromosome varies.
This statement is true. The position of the centromere can vary between different chromosomes and even between individuals of the same species.

d. It is visible as a constriction on the chromosome.
This statement is true. The centromere often appears as a visible constriction or narrowing point on the chromosome.

e. It is where sister chromatids attach to each other.
This statement is true. The centromere serves as the attachment point for the two sister chromatids, holding them together until they separate during cell division.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is NOT true is option d. The centromere is indeed visible as a constriction on the chromosome. Therefore, the correct answer is d.