I need to prepare a table (with appropriate column headings and title) showing the values of the sin(theta), where (theta) has values of 1°,2°,...45°.

How do I approach this????

Thank you!

To prepare a table showing the values of sin(theta) for theta values ranging from 1° to 45°, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the number of rows required for the table. In this case, you would need 45 rows since theta ranges from 1° to 45°.

2. Determine the number of columns for the table. In this case, you need two columns: one for the theta values and another for the corresponding sin(theta) values.

3. Create the table with appropriate column headings and a title. You can format it whichever way you prefer, but a simple example would be:

Title: Table of sin(theta) Values

| theta | sin(theta) |
| 1° | |
| 2° | |
| ... | ... |
| 45° | |

4. Now, calculate the sin(theta) values for each theta value from 1° to 45° using a scientific calculator or trigonometric tables.

5. Once you have calculated the sin(theta) values, fill in the corresponding cells in the table.

6. Finally, review your table to ensure accuracy and make any necessary adjustments.

By following these steps, you should be able to prepare a table showing the values of sin(theta) for theta ranging from 1° to 45°.

make column A at the top read angle

make column B at the top read sine(theta)

next, fill in column A
next, to to column B, the first point eneter the formula =sin(A1)
there are a number of ways to then fill in the rest of column B with the same formula.