the most significant thing to learn about the differences between social, political and economics systems in the world ???????

Already was on your suggested sites...don't think you can help me on this one...Thank you for trying

"the most significant thing" -- those words indicate that you need to be using your own judgment, forming your own opinion BASED ON WHAT YOU'VE ALREADY LEARNED. You can't find your own opinions on the Internet!!

The most significant thing to learn about the differences between social, political, and economic systems in the world is that they are interconnected and have a profound impact on each other. Understanding these differences can help us comprehend how societies function, how power is distributed, and how resources are allocated.

To learn about the differences between these systems, here are some steps you can take:

1. Study Social Systems: Begin by learning about social systems, which refer to the ways people organize, interact, and form relationships within a society. Explore concepts such as social structures, norms, values, and societal institutions. Read books, academic articles, and credible online sources on sociology, anthropology, or social sciences.

2. Examine Political Systems: Political systems are the mechanisms through which power is exercised, decisions are made, and governments operate. Look into different types of political systems, such as democracy, monarchy, socialism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism. Study political ideologies and theories to better understand how societies are governed. Political science textbooks, academic papers, and documentaries can be valuable resources.

3. Understand Economic Systems: Economic systems determine how goods, services, and resources are produced, distributed, and consumed within a society. Familiarize yourself with different economic systems, such as capitalism, socialism, communism, and mixed economies. Explore concepts like supply and demand, market structures, and economic policies. Books, online courses, and documentaries on economics can help you grasp these complex topics.

4. Analyze Interconnections: Once you have a basic understanding of each system, analyze how they interact and influence one another. Study how political decisions affect economic policies, how social structures influence political power, and how economic inequalities impact social structures. Look for real-world examples to enrich your understanding, such as examining how different nations' social, political, and economic systems have evolved over time.

5. Compare Case Studies: Compare case studies of different countries or societies that exhibit diverse social, political, and economic systems. Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and outcomes, considering various factors such as social equality, political stability, economic growth, and individual freedoms. This comparative analysis will allow you to identify patterns and better comprehend the impacts of different systems.

Remember, learning about social, political, and economic systems is an ongoing process that requires continuous exploration and critical thinking. It's essential to approach the topic with an open mind, seek diverse perspectives, and consider historical, cultural, and geopolitical contexts when analyzing these systems.