abby and berry share £22 in the ration 3:1

how much do each person get?

Let x be the larger amount.

3/4 = x/22

Cross multiply and solve for x.

4x = 66
x = 66/4
x = 16.5

22 - 16.5 = ?

Divide £22 into (3+1) parts to get £5.50 for each part.

Berry gets 1 part, so £5.50. How much does abby get (3 parts)?

dont understand

Study both MathMate's and my answers. We did the problem differently, but both found the same answer.

To find out how much each person receives, we need to divide the total amount (£22) in the given ratio (3:1).

First, let's determine the total parts of the ratio. In this case, the ratio is 3:1, so the total parts would be 3 + 1 = 4.

To calculate how much each part is worth, we divide the total amount (£22) by the total parts (4).

£22 ÷ 4 = £5.50

So, each part is worth £5.50.

Next, multiply each part by the corresponding number in the ratio to find out how much each person receives:

Abby: £5.50 × 3 = £16.50
Berry: £5.50 × 1 = £5.50

Therefore, Abby receives £16.50 and Berry receives £5.50.