Are these sentences grammatically correct?

The girl got married in 2010 and had one child, Sara Lee, afterwards.

The girl went from being a cashier to a millionaire.

Yes, both are correct.

Thank you

You're very welcome.

Yes, both sentences are grammatically correct.

To determine the grammaticality of these sentences, you can analyze the structure and usage of each sentence. Let's break them down:

1. "The girl got married in 2010 and had one child, Sara Lee, afterwards."
- This sentence has a subject ("The girl") followed by a predicate ("got married in 2010 and had one child, Sara Lee, afterwards").
- The verb "got married" is in the past tense, and the prepositional phrase "in 2010" indicates the specific time.
- The conjunction "and" is used to link two events ("got married" and "had one child").
- The phrase "Sara Lee" provides additional information about the child.
- The word "afterwards" is an adverb that indicates the sequence of events.

2. "The girl went from being a cashier to a millionaire."
- This sentence also has a subject ("The girl") followed by a predicate ("went from being a cashier to a millionaire").
- The verb "went" indicates a change or transition from one state ("being a cashier") to another state ("a millionaire").
- The phrase "from being a cashier to a millionaire" describes the transformation or progression.
- This sentence does not explicitly mention a specific time or sequence, so it can be interpreted as a general statement.

Overall, both sentences demonstrate correct grammar by employing proper subject-verb agreement and using appropriate verb tenses and sentence structures.