Could you pleae check these paragraphs I prepared on various listening comprehensions. Thank you very much.

1) Lucy is joining the tennis club. So she needs to buy the tennis equipment.
She will be able to use Miranda's box of balls, which is in the cupboard. Unfortunately, Miranda gave her cousin her racket, and she uses her tennis shoes for other things.
2)Miranda's father is going to look in the cupboard and give Lucy what's there.
3) A woman is going to mend and paint the shelves in her husband's bedroom.
She wants her son to go to the shop and geh her a new paint brush. Before he does that, she would like him to ask his father what he has done with the hammer since she can't find it.
4)When she looked in the toolbox for it, she only found a pair of scissors she lost (had lost) months ago.
5) A woman left her ring in a restaurant's bathroom when she washed her hands. She describes it to the restaurant manager. It has got a square bluey-green stone with lots of smaller stones around it. It was her grandmother's and she'd hate to lose it.

1) Lucy is joining the tennis club, so she needs to buy tennis equipment. She will be able to use Miranda's box of balls, which is in the cupboard. Unfortunately, Miranda gave her cousin her racket, and she uses her tennis shoes for other things.

2) OK

3) A woman is going to mend and paint the shelves in her husband's bedroom.
She wants her son to go to the shop and get her a new paint brush. Before he does that, she would like him to ask his father what he has done with the hammer since she can't find it.

4)When she looked in the toolbox for it, she only found a pair of scissors she had lost months ago.

5) A woman left her ring in a restaurant's bathroom when she washed her hands. She describes it to the restaurant manager. It has a square bluish-green stone with lots of smaller stones around it. It was her grandmother's, and she'd hate to lose it.