The point (q,0) lies on the graph of the following function: f(x)=2/3x-12 What is the value of Q?

when y is zero? 0=2/3 x -12


check that

To find the value of q, we need to substitute (q,0) into the equation of the function and solve for q.

Given: f(x) = (2/3)x - 12

We know that the point (q,0) lies on the graph, which means when we substitute q as the x-coordinate and 0 as the y-coordinate, the equation must hold true.

So, we substitute x=q and y=0 into the equation:

0 = (2/3)q - 12

Now, we solve the equation for q:

0 = (2/3)q - 12
(2/3)q = 12
q = (12 * 3) / 2
q = 18

Therefore, the value of q is 18.