translate the hindu-arabic number equivalent roman numeral



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To translate the Hindu-Arabic number 273 into its Roman numeral equivalent, follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the largest Roman numeral that is smaller than or equal to 273. In this case, it is the Roman numeral "C" (which represents 100).

2. Subtract the value of that Roman numeral from the original number: 273 - 100 = 173.

3. Repeat the first two steps with the new number, 173. The largest Roman numeral that is smaller than or equal to 173 is "L" (which represents 50). Subtracting this value from 173: 173 - 50 = 123.

4. Continue this process until the original number becomes zero. The next Roman numeral is "XX" (which represents 20). Subtracting it from 123: 123 - 20 = 103.

5. The next Roman numeral is "III" (which represents 3). Subtracting it from 103: 103 - 3 = 100.

6. Finally, the last Roman numeral is "I" (which represents 1). Subtracting it from 100: 100 - 1 = 99.

Therefore, the Hindu-Arabic number 273 is equivalent to the Roman numeral "CCLXXIII".