write the sum of MC and CD in Hindu-Arabic

MC +CD =



MC + CD = 1,100 + 400 = 1,500

Yes, that is correct.


To write the sum of MC and CD in Hindu-Arabic numerals, we need to convert the Roman numerals MC and CD into their corresponding Hindu-Arabic equivalents and then add them together.

Let's convert MC and CD separately:

MC represents 1,100 in Roman numerals. To convert it to Hindu-Arabic numerals, we add the values of the symbols M (1000) and C (100). So, MC = 1000 + 100 = 1100.

CD represents 400 in Roman numerals. To convert it to Hindu-Arabic numerals, we subtract the value of the symbol C (100) from the symbol D (500). So, CD = 500 - 100 = 400.

Now that we have converted MC and CD to Hindu-Arabic numerals, we can add them together:

1100 + 400 = 1500

Therefore, the sum of MC and CD in Hindu-Arabic numerals is 1500.