
To simplify the given expression, we need to perform multiplication and addition according to the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

Step 1: Deal with the multiplication first.
Multiply the terms within each set of parentheses. Remember that multiplying two negative numbers gives a positive result.

[3X(-3) - 4X(-2) + 5X2] + [-2X(-3) + 8X(-2) - 8X2]
= [3X(-3)] - [4X(-2)] + [5X2] + [-2X(-3)] + [8X(-2)] - [8X2]
= -9X + 8X + 10X + 6 +(-16) - 16X

Step 2: Combine like terms.
Combine the terms with the same variable (X) together.

-9X + 8X + 10X + 6 +(-16) - 16X
= (-9X + 8X + 10X - 16X) + 6 + (-16)
= (-9 + 8 + 10 - 16)X + 6 - 16
= -7X - 10

Therefore, the simplified expression is -7X - 10.