If the pattern of polygons continues, how many sides will polygon 98 have?

and there is a picture of
polygon 1
which is a 3-sided triangle
polygon 2-
which is is a sqaure
polygon 3-
which is a 5 sided pentagon.
polygon 4-
which is a six sided hexagon

98 + 2

Right mate, what's the interior angle of a 98-gon?

Which polygon or polygons are regular?

A. A polygon with three sides is shown. All three sides are marked as congruent. All three angles are marked as congruent.
B. A polygon with four sides is shown. All four sides are marked as congruent. Two pairs of opposite angles are marked as congruent.
C. A polygon with four sides is shown. All four sides are marked as congruent. All four angles are marked as right angles.
D. A polygon with five sides is shown. Three sides are marked as congruent and the other two sides are not labeled. Two right angles are marked and the other three angles are not labeled.

B. A polygon with four sides is shown. All four sides are marked as congruent. Two pairs of opposite angles are marked as congruent.

To find the number of sides in polygon 98, we need to identify the pattern in the given sequence of polygons.

Examining the given information, we can observe that the polygons start with a triangle (3 sides), followed by a square (4 sides), then a pentagon (5 sides), and finally a hexagon (6 sides). From this pattern, we can deduce that each subsequent polygon adds one more side than the previous one.

Using this pattern, we can determine the number of sides in polygon 98. Starting from the initial triangle, we can count the number of sides added to reach polygon 98:

Triangle (Polygon 1): 3 sides
Square (Polygon 2): 3 + 1 = 4 sides
Pentagon (Polygon 3): 4 + 1 = 5 sides
Hexagon (Polygon 4): 5 + 1 = 6 sides
Heptagon (Polygon 5): 6 + 1 = 7 sides
(n-1)-gon (Polygon n): (n-1) + 1 = n sides

Following this pattern, we can continue adding one side to each successive polygon until we reach polygon 98. Therefore, polygon 98 will have 97 + 1 = 98 sides.

So, polygon 98 will have 98 sides.