What will happen if documents don't have a title bar?

See the site I just posted for you.

Okay, thank it was very useful

You're welcome.

If documents don't have a title bar, the user will likely have difficulty distinguishing between different documents, as the title bar serves as a visual indicator of the document's identity. Without a title bar, it would be challenging to keep track of which document is open and switch between them efficiently.

To add a title bar to a document, you can follow these general steps depending on the software being used:

1. Open the document in your software application.
2. Look for options or settings related to the appearance or display of the document.
3. Within the settings, locate the option for adding or enabling a title bar.
4. If the title bar is disabled, enable it by selecting the appropriate checkbox or toggle button.
5. Once enabled, you may have further customization options, such as choosing the text alignment, font, or color of the title bar.
6. Save the changes, and the document should now display a title bar.

Note that the specific steps may vary depending on the software or application you are using. It's recommended to refer to the software's documentation or help resources for detailed instructions.