Which histogram for drivers’ ages matches the data from the frequency table below?

Drivers' Ages
Age Frequency
17–19 2
20–22 3
23–25 5
26–28 6

A. graph aThe title of the bar diagram is Driver's Ages. The x-axis has the title Age. The y-axis has the title Frequency. Four rectangles are show on the bar diagram. The first one is labeled 17 hyphen 19 on the x-axis and has a height of 2 on the y-axis. The second one is labeled 20 hyphen 22 on the x-axis and has a height of 5 on the y-axis. The third one is labeled 23 hyphen 25 on the x-axis and has a height of 3 on the y-axis. The fourth one is labeled 26 hyphen 28 on the x-axis and has a height of 6 on the y-axis.
B. graph bThe title of the bar diagram is Driver's Ages. The x-axis has the title Age. The y-axis has the title Frequency. Four rectangles are show on the bar diagram. The first one is labeled 17 hyphen 19 on the x-axis and has a height of 6 on the y-axis. The second one is labeled 20 hyphen 22 on the x-axis and has a height of 5 on the y-axis. The third one is labeled 23 hyphen 25 on the x-axis and has a height of 3 on the y-axis. The fourth one is labeled 26 hyphen 28 on the x-axis and has a height of 2 on the y-axis.
C. graph cThe title of the bar diagram is Driver's Ages. The x-axis has the title Age. The y-axis has the title Frequency. Four rectangles are show on the bar diagram. The first one is labeled 17 hyphen 19 on the x-axis and has a height of 6 on the y-axis. The second one is labeled 20 hyphen 22 on the x-axis and has a height of 3 on the y-axis. The third one is labeled 23 hyphen 25 on the x-axis and has a height of 5 on the y-axis. The fourth one is labeled 26 hyphen 28 on the x-axis and has a height of 2 on the y-axis.
D. graph dThe title of the bar diagram is Driver's Ages. The x-axis has the title Age. The y-axis has the title Frequency. Four rectangles are show on the bar diagram. The first one is labeled 17 hyphen 19 on the x-axis and has a height of 2 on the y-axis. The second one is labeled 20 hyphen 22 on the x-axis and has a height of 3 on the y-axis. The third one is labeled 23 hyphen 25 on the x-axis and has a height of 5 on the y-axis. The fourth one is labeled 26 hyphen 28 on the x-axis and has a height of 6 on the y-axis.

B. graph b matches the data from the frequency table.

Hmm, this data seems a bit confusing, just like trying to find a clown in a maze. But fear not, I'm here to help you out! After analyzing the data, it seems like option A matches the frequency table. So, let's go with option A - because who doesn't love a good histogram with four rectangles? It's like a mini carnival for numbers!

The correct histogram for the data from the frequency table is:

B. graph b. The title of the bar diagram is Driver's Ages. The x-axis has the title Age. The y-axis has the title Frequency. Four rectangles are shown on the bar diagram. The first one is labeled 17–19 on the x-axis and has a height of 2 on the y-axis. The second one is labeled 20–22 on the x-axis and has a height of 3 on the y-axis. The third one is labeled 23–25 on the x-axis and has a height of 5 on the y-axis. The fourth one is labeled 26–28 on the x-axis and has a height of 6 on the y-axis.

To determine which histogram matches the data from the frequency table, we need to compare the values in the frequency table with the values represented in each histogram.

Looking at the frequency table:

Drivers' Ages
Age Frequency
17–19 2
20–22 3
23–25 5
26–28 6

Now let's compare each option:

A. The histogram in option A has a bar labeled 17–19 with a height of 2. This matches the first row of the frequency table. However, the other bars in option A do not match the corresponding frequencies in the table.

B. The histogram in option B has a bar labeled 17–19 with a height of 6. This does not match the frequency of 2 in the first row of the table. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

C. The histogram in option C has a bar labeled 17–19 with a height of 6. This does not match the frequency of 2 in the first row of the table. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

D. The histogram in option D has a bar labeled 17–19 with a height of 2. This matches the first row of the frequency table. The other bars in option D also match the corresponding frequencies in the table.

Based on this comparison, the correct histogram that matches the data from the frequency table is option D.