I was wondering if someone could check my thesis statement for my DBQ on the causes of WWI. (political, social, and economical).

WWI, which involved all of the great powers of Europe, was sparked by the multitude of military alliances and treaties, the social impacts of racism and nationalism, and the thirst for wealth and power brought on by imperialism.

Is that okay?


What you wrote is OK. Make sure you understand all the words and phrases and clauses -- that you can explain it or its parts if anyone asks you.

You might review the webpage I linked above, just to make sure.

Your thesis statement for your DBQ on the causes of WWI is generally on the right track. However, I would suggest making it more focused and clear. In a DBQ essay, it's important to have a strong and concise thesis statement that outlines the main arguments you will be discussing in your essay.

To revise your thesis statement, consider the following steps:

1. Identify the key factors you will be discussing: In this case, you mentioned political, social, and economic causes as the main points.

2. Make your thesis statement more specific: Rather than mentioning that "WWI was sparked by a multitude of factors," specify what those factors are.

3. Organize the thesis statement: You can structure the thesis statement by categorizing the causes using the three factors you mentioned (political, social, and economic).

Based on these considerations, a revised thesis statement could be:

"The causes of WWI can be attributed to a combination of political alliances and treaties, the social impacts of racism and nationalism, as well as imperialistic ambitions driven by the thirst for wealth and power."

Remember, your thesis statement should always be clear, specific, and focused on the main arguments you will present in your DBQ essay.