I need help on this question:

day 7 assignment: Gang development and Control write a 400-600 word response paper discussing the four theories about how gang develop (Anthropological view, Social Disorganization, Psychological view, and Rational Choice view) and two methods for controlling gang activity (Law Enforcement Efforts and Community Control Efforts. It is due tonight. I just need some web sites on this can anyone help me please tank you.


Do your own homework... scary to think that you are the future of our country

like the useless garbage you teach us in school is going to help us later in life?

Of course, I can help you find websites for your question. However, instead of only providing website links, let me guide you on how to find reliable sources on your own.

1. Start with academic databases: Reliable sources can often be found in academic journals and databases. Some popular databases you can search for scholarly articles include JSTOR, Google Scholar, and academic databases offered by your school or local library.

2. Utilize search engines effectively: When searching on search engines like Google, it's important to use specific keywords to get better results. For instance, instead of using generic terms like "gang development," try using "theories of gang development" or "gang control methods" to find more targeted information.

3. Evaluate sources: It's essential to critically evaluate the sources you find for your paper. Look for authoritative authors, reputable organizations, or academic institutions affiliated with the content. Consider factors such as publication date, peer-review status, and relevance to your topic.

Now, here are a few websites that might be helpful for your assignment:

- National Gang Center (https://www.nationalgangcenter.gov/): This website provides information and resources related to gang activity, prevention, and intervention efforts.
- Bureau of Justice Assistance (https://www.bja.gov): This resource offers various publications and reports on law enforcement strategies to combat gang activity.
- National Institute of Justice (https://www.nij.gov/): You can find research articles and reports on crime and justice-related topics, including gang development and control.
- Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (https://oxfordre.com/criminology/): This online encyclopedia covers diverse topics in criminology, including gang development theories.

Remember, it's important to read and synthesize information from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive response to your assignment.