Which of of the following is a correct example of the plural possessive case?

1) stone's throw
2) men's plan
3) it's place
4) woman's plan

the second one b/c the noun, men, is already made plural and adding the 's makes it possessive..all the other nouns are in their singular forms

The correct example of the plural possessive case is "men's plan" (option 2).

To determine the correct plural possessive case, you need to consider two things:
1) Whether the noun is plural or singular.
2) Whether you are trying to show possession or not.

In this case, the noun is "men" which is already in plural form. To show possession, we add an apostrophe followed by an "s" after the plural noun, like "men's."

In options 1, "stone's throw" is incorrect because "stone" is singular, so it should be "stone's" if it was in the possessive case.

In option 3, "it's place" is incorrect because "it's" is a contraction of "it is" and not the possessive form. The possessive form of "it" is "its" without an apostrophe.

In option 4, "woman's plan" is also incorrect because "woman" is singular, so it should be "woman's" to indicate possession.

Therefore, the correct example of the plural possessive case is "men's plan" (option 2).