if i pulled a rectangular block on each of the three sides which would have the most friction

To determine which side of the rectangular block would have the most friction when pulled, we need to consider the factors that influence friction. Friction depends on two main factors: the type of surfaces in contact and the normal force between those surfaces.

Assuming the block is placed on a horizontal surface, let's consider each side individually:

1. Top and bottom sides: When pulling the block on the top or bottom side, the frictional force is called "sliding friction." The normal force on these sides is equal to the weight of the block, which is the same regardless of the side. Therefore, the frictional force would also be the same on both the top and bottom sides.

2. Vertical sides: When pulling the block on the vertical sides, the frictional force is called "rolling friction." The normal force on these sides is less than the weight of the block since only a portion of the weight is acting on these surfaces. As a result, the frictional force on the vertical sides would be less than that on the top and bottom sides.

In conclusion, the top and bottom sides of the rectangular block would have the most friction when pulled, compared to the vertical sides. This is because the normal force on the top and bottom sides is equal to the weight of the block, providing a larger force to generate friction.