Select the letter of the choice that identifies the underlined compliment

1. The onset of winter gives skiers a wonderful feeling of anticipation. (skiers is underlined)

A. direct object
B. indirect object
C. object complement
D. predicate adjective

I think it's B?

2. Many consider this basin their favorite ski resort. (basin is underlined)

A. predicate nominative
B. direct object
C. indirect object
D. object complement

I think it's B?

3. There, beginners practice turns and stops. (turns, stops are underlined)

A. object complement
B. predicate adjective
C. direct object
D. indirect object

I think it's C?

2 and 3 are correct.

Rethink 1.

1 has to be A then?


No, sorry ... my mistake.

Your first choice for #1 is correct.

Thanks! I have two more that I don't completely understand.

1. After two or three trips, however, the lift becomes an old friend. (friend is underlined)

A. predicate nominative
B. predicate adjective
C. object complement
D. direct object

I think it's C?

Later, skiers often grow sleepy around a cracking fire in the cozy lodge. (sleepy is underlined)

A. indirect object
B. object complement
C. predicate adjective
D. predicate nominative

I think it's C?

okay so it's indirect object?

Yes, for your very first sentence in this thread, the answer is indirect object.

In #1 just above, there is no object, so there can be no object complement.

Your choice for #2 just above is correct.

Okay then "friend" is a predicate nominative?

