how do you say congratulations in japanese

I congratulate you = O-medeto-gozai-másu

(This also works on someoe's birthday.)

I wish to congratulate y ou on your success. = Anáta no go-seiko wo shukushi másu


To say "congratulations" in Japanese, you can use the phrase "おめでとうございます" (pronounced oh-medeh-toh goh-zai-mahs). Here's how you can break it down:

1. "おめでとう" (oh-medeh-toh): This is the word for "congratulations" in Japanese. It's an expression of joy and celebration.
2. "ございます" (goh-zai-mahs): This is a polite ending used in formal situations to show respect. It can be added after "おめでとう" to make the phrase more courteous.

To remember and practice the phrase, it often helps to listen to native Japanese speakers or use online resources that provide audio pronunciations. Additionally, learning basic Japanese greetings and phrases can greatly enhance your communication skills in the language.