what was the foreign policy of william the 2nd

To find information about the foreign policy of William II, also known as Wilhelm II or Kaiser Wilhelm II, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for reputable sources. Using search engines like Google, look for historical articles, academic sources, or books that discuss Wilhelm II's foreign policy. Reputable sources might include encyclopedias, historical journals, or university websites.

2. Focus your search keywords on terms like "William II foreign policy," "Wilhelm II and international relations," or "Kaiser Wilhelm II diplomatic approach." This will help you find relevant sources specifically pertaining to his foreign policy decisions.

3. Look for sources that discuss Wilhelm II's reign as the German Emperor, which lasted from 1888 to 1918. This period was marked by significant shifts in international relations leading up to World War I.

4. Once you have found reputable sources, read and analyze the information provided. Look for details and key events related to Wilhelm II's foreign policy, including his relationship with other nations, alliances, conflicts, and diplomatic strategies.

5. Take note of any recurring themes or major foreign policy objectives that Wilhelm II pursued, such as colonial expansion, attempts to maintain Germany's position as a European power, or efforts to develop a naval fleet to challenge Britain's dominance.

6. Compare the information from multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of Wilhelm II's foreign policy. Different authors and historians may present different perspectives or emphasize varying aspects of his foreign policy.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information on Wilhelm II's foreign policy and form a comprehensive understanding of his international relations and diplomatic approach during his reign as the German Emperor.