Find the value of the definite integral:

int= integral sign

int((x + 2)/(x^(3/2)),x= 16..25)dx

I have no idea how to start this... would I get rid of the fraction?

you do it by converting it to int[x/x^(3/2)+2/x^(3/2)]= int[1/x^(1/2)+2/x^(3/2)]=


Oops, I should have been more specific. I need to solve it using sums, not antiderivates.

To find the value of the definite integral ∫((x + 2)/(x^(3/2))) dx from 16 to 25, you can start by simplifying the integrand, if possible. In this case, you have a rational function with a square root in the denominator.

To simplify, you can rewrite x^(3/2) as √x^3.

So, the integrand becomes ((x + 2)/√x^3).

Now, let's focus on solving the integral by applying the properties and rules of integrals.

One useful property is that the integral of a sum is the sum of the integrals. So, you can split the integrand into two separate integrals:

∫((x + 2)/√x^3) dx = ∫(x/√x^3) dx + ∫(2/√x^3) dx

Now, let's solve these integrals one by one:

First, let's simplify the first integral: ∫(x/√x^3) dx

To simplify this, you can move x^(-1/2) from the denominator to the numerator, which gives:

∫(x/√x^3) dx = ∫(x^(1/2)/x^((3/2))) dx = ∫ (x^(-1/2)) dx

Now, you can apply the power rule for integrals, which states that ∫x^n dx = (x^(n+1))/(n+1), where n is not equal to -1.

Using the power rule, the integral becomes:

∫ (x^(-1/2)) dx = (x^((1/2)+1))/((1/2)+1) = 2√x

Now, let's move on to the second integral: ∫(2/√x^3) dx

Here, the constant 2 can be taken out of the integral:

∫(2/√x^3) dx = 2 ∫(1/√x^3) dx

To simplify this, you can rewrite x^3 as √(x^6):

2 ∫(1/√x^3) dx = 2 ∫(1/√(x^6)) dx

Using the power rule, the integral can be further simplified as:

2 ∫(1/√(x^6)) dx = 2 ∫(x^(-3/2)) dx = 2 * (-1/(-3/2+1)) * x^(-3/2+1)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

2 * (2/3) * x^(-1/2) = (4/3) * x^(-1/2) = (4/3) * (1/√x)

Now, let's evaluate the definite integral from 16 to 25 by substituting the limits:

∫((x + 2)/(x^(3/2))) dx from 16 to 25 = [2√x] from 16 to 25 + [(4/3) * (1/√x)] from 16 to 25

Now, let's plug in the limits:

[2√(25)] - [2√(16)] + [(4/3) * (1/√25)] - [(4/3) * (1/√16)]

Simplifying, we have:

[2*5] - [2*4] + [(4/3)*(1/5)] - [(4/3)*(1/4)]

= 10 - 8 + (4/15) - (1/3)

= 2 + (4/15) - (1/3)

= 30/15 + (4/15) - (5/15)

= (30 + 4 - 5)/15

= 29/15

Therefore, the value of the definite integral ∫((x + 2)/(x^(3/2))) dx from 16 to 25 is 29/15.