I did not realize how important it was to collaborate with the staff at school, such as janitors, until I need them in my room.

Teachers have so many responsibilities, and for that reason, it is beneficial for evryone to have as much help as possible.

Are this sentences correct? I think the first one may not needed the comma after janitors.

Never mind about the first sentence I got the answer. I just need help with the second sentence. I missed spelled everyone in the second sentence.

I wasn't sure about the first one.

Your second sentence is correct now.

Both of the sentences you provided are correct grammatically, but there are a few modifications you can make for clarity and flow.

1. "I did not realize how important it was to collaborate with the staff at school, such as janitors, until I needed them in my room."

In this sentence, the comma after "janitors" is used correctly. It separates the non-restrictive phrase "such as janitors" from the main part of the sentence. This phrase provides additional information without restricting the meaning or identity of the staff members being referred to.

2. "Teachers have so many responsibilities, and for that reason, it is beneficial for everyone to have as much help as possible."

This sentence is also grammatically correct. However, you can add clarity and flow by rephrasing it slightly:

"Teachers have numerous responsibilities, so it is beneficial for everyone to receive as much help as possible."

By replacing "so many" with "numerous" and rephrasing the second part of the sentence, you enhance readability without changing the meaning.

Remember that grammar and punctuation rules can vary based on style guides or personal writing preferences. However, the modified versions of the sentences should provide a clearer and more coherent expression of your thoughts.