Le futur proche.

Are these correct?
-They are going to see the film.
Ils vont regarder le film.

-She is going to leave for work.
Elle va partir le travail.

-They are going to play sport.
Ils vont faire le sport.

-You are going to listen to music.
Tu vas ecouter la musique.

Bonjour! #1 is perfect. In #2 note "to leave FOR work" and there is a difference between "partir" and "sortir ."

partir + infinitive = to leave in order to
sortir = leave, exit, go out

What you wrote says "she is going to leave work" but if you must say "to leave for work" = Elle va partir pour le travail.

#3 "to play sport" = why not "jouer" and because it says sport (singular), but not "a" sport, the partitif = du sport.

#4 Just accenrt on "écouter..."


Yes, you got the translations of the sentences using the futur proche tense correct. The futur proche, also called the near future or going to future, is formed with the verb "aller" (to go) followed by an infinitive verb. Here's how you can identify and form the futur proche:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence (who is doing the action).
2. Conjugate the verb "aller" according to the subject:
- Je vais (I am going)
- Tu vas (You are going)
- Il/Elle/On va (He/She/One is going)
- Nous allons (We are going)
- Vous allez (You are going)
- Ils/Elles vont (They are going)
3. Add the infinitive form of the main verb that indicates the action being performed after "aller."

To check if your translations are correct, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject:
- They (in the first sentence)
- She (in the second sentence)
- They (in the third sentence)
- You (in the fourth sentence)

2. Conjugate the verb "aller":
- Ils vont
- Elle va
- Ils vont
- Tu vas

3. Add the infinitive form of the main verb:
- Ils vont regarder le film. (They are going to watch the movie.)
- Elle va partir pour le travail. (She is going to leave for work.)
- Ils vont faire du sport. (They are going to play sports.)
- Tu vas écouter de la musique. (You are going to listen to music.)

So, your translations are correct! Well done!