Two metal spheres having charges of +4.0 x 10^-6 coulomb and +2.0 x 10^-5 coulomb, respectively, are brought into contact and then separated. After separation, the charge on each sphere is...

soorry i was wrong it is 1.2

To find the charge on each sphere after they are separated, we need to understand the concept of charge transfer during contact.

When two objects with different charges are brought into contact, charge transfer occurs between them until they reach equilibrium. In this case, the charges on the two spheres will redistribute until they both acquire the same charge.

Let's break down the steps to determine the final charge on each sphere:

1. Add the charges on the two spheres before contact:
The first sphere has a charge of +4.0 x 10^-6 coulomb.
The second sphere has a charge of +2.0 x 10^-5 coulomb.

Therefore, the total initial charge before contact is:
+4.0 x 10^-6 C + +2.0 x 10^-5 C = +6.4 x 10^-6 C

2. Determine the final charge after contact:
Since the two spheres are brought into contact and then separated, they will share the charge equally.

Divide the total initial charge by 2 to distribute it equally between the two spheres:
Final charge on each sphere = (Total initial charge) / 2
Final charge on each sphere = (6.4 x 10^-6 C) / 2
Final charge on each sphere = 3.2 x 10^-6 C

Hence, after separation, the charge on each sphere is +3.2 x 10^-6 coulomb.




8.0x 10^-11
