Another quick question...

"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" seems to be told in a third-person omniscient narrative, because we know the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters, with the EXCEPTION of the old this still considered omniscient or is it something else?

Just about every analysis I have read for this refers to it as 3rd-person omniscient, but there is one that is really interesting.
Scroll down to the RTF link: Subject *AP English class SB...
In “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” García Márquez makes use of several highly inventive diversions from the basic story line to make interpretation even more elusive. In these narrative diversions theme and technique become inseparably intertwined. Although the old man/angel is central to the story, and every event bears on him, his appearance, behavior, identity, fate, or effects, the attention focused on the old man is frequently interrupted by shifts of focus to other characters, who are sometimes named and described at length. The obtrusiveness of the narrator, who is both at one with and apart from the other characters, also functions to distract the reader. The story, in fact, vacillates between the perspective of the omniscient narrator and that of the villagers, individually and collectively. When Father Gonzaga enters, for example, he reveals his suspicions about the old man, his observations about him, his sermon to the assembly of villagers, and his promise to seek advice from higher authorities. A few pages later, there appears a synopsis of his correspondence to the pope about the old man, and after another few pages, the waning of the old man’s popularity seemingly cures Father Gonzaga of his insomnia. Then the old man disappears from the narrative altogether.

In the short story "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," the narration is indeed third-person omniscient, as it provides insights into the thoughts and feelings of most characters. However, you rightfully point out that there is an exception when it comes to the old man's thoughts and feelings. This can be seen as a deviation from strict omniscience since the narration lacks complete access to the old man's inner world.

In this case, the narration may be described as third-person limited omniscient. The term "limited" acknowledges that while the narrator has knowledge of the thoughts and emotions of most characters, there are certain characters, like the old man, whose thoughts and feelings remain mysterious or inaccessible to the reader.

It is essential to note that the classification of narration can sometimes be subjective and open to interpretation. Different readers may have slightly different perspectives on whether a narrative strictly falls under a particular category. However, based on the information you provided, "third-person limited omniscient" appears to be a suitable description for the narrative style of "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings."