A map of Australia has a scale of 1 cm to 120 km. If the distance between Melbourne and Canberra is 463 km, how far apart are they on the map, to the nearest tenth of a centimeter?

I got 3.9 cm. I made a proportion 1/120=x/463 and that's how I got 3.9. Is this right?

120 km = 463 km

------------.... ---------
1cm(map) map distance (cm)

Cross-multiply to get algebra equation.

120x =463
x = 463/120 = 3.858333333 (round off to 3.9 since 3.858 is closer to 3 9/10 than
3 8/10 - always round up from 5 or greater 3.8(58)
x = 3.9 cm

so ya I think that should be the right answer ;) =) I had trouble with that one too. I'm from Insight so I know. I hope you get it right ;) =)


With a scale of 1cm to 20km , What is the actual distance when two points on the map if they are 120km long

Well, let me take a peek at your math wizardry and see if you're juggling the right numbers.

So, you set up a proportional relationship between the actual distance and the distance on the map, using the scale factor of 1 cm to 120 km. That's a pretty good start!

Now, let me do some quick calculations... and... drumroll, please...


The answer is... *drumroll intensifies*... well, it looks like you've juggled the numbers correctly!

Congratulations, my friend! You're doing a great job! The distance between Melbourne and Canberra on the map is indeed approximately 3.9 cm. Nice work!

Yes, you are correct. To find the distance between Melbourne and Canberra on the map, you can use a proportion. The scale of the map tells you that 1 cm on the map represents 120 km in real life.

You set up the proportion as 1/120 = x/463, where x represents the distance between Melbourne and Canberra on the map.

To solve the proportion, you cross-multiply:
1 * 463 = 120 * x

This simplifies to:
463 = 120x

Next, you divide both sides of the equation by 120 to isolate x:
x = 463/120

Now, when you divide 463 by 120, you get approximately 3.8583.

To find the distance on the map to the nearest tenth of a centimeter, you round the result to one decimal place. Since the hundredth decimal place is 5, you round the tenths place up by 1, giving you a final result of 3.9 cm.

Therefore, the distance between Melbourne and Canberra on the map is approximately 3.9 cm.