solve 81x9/y4* x2/36x5y

solve? There is no equal sign.

I assume you mean reduce, or simplify.

81/36 * x^ (9+2-5) * y^(-4-1)

does that help?

d q lam ee xorry

To solve the expression 81x^9/y^4 * x^2/36x^5y, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the terms within each numerator and each denominator separately.
- In the numerator of the expression, we have 81x^9 * x^2.
- Multiply the coefficients: 81 * 1 = 81.
- Add the exponents when multiplying the same variables: x^9 * x^2 = x^(9+2) = x^11.
- In the denominator of the expression, we have y^4 * 36x^5y.
- Multiply the coefficients: 1 * 36 = 36.
- Combine the variables by adding the exponents: y^4 * x^5 * y = y^(4+1) * x^5 = y^5 * x^5.

Step 2: Simplify further.
Now that we simplified the terms within each numerator and each denominator, we can rewrite the expression as follows:
(81x^11) / (36y^5 * x^5)

Step 3: Combine like terms.
To simplify this expression further, we can simplify the common factors in the numerator and denominator.
- Divide the coefficients: 81 / 36 = 9/4.
- Subtract the exponents when dividing the same variables: x^11 / x^5 = x^(11-5) = x^6.
- Subtract the exponents when dividing the same variables: y^5 / y^5 = y^(5-5) = y^0.
However, any number (except 0) raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1. Therefore, y^0 = 1.

Step 4: Final result
After simplifying the expression, we have:
(9/4) * x^6 * 1
which can be written as:
9x^6 / 4.

Therefore, the simplified expression of 81x^9/y^4 * x^2/36x^5y is 9x^6/4.