Okay, Ms. Sue. I got this and I don't think that it is right. this is the question - I wrote the answer at the bottom. I don't think that its right. speed=4,500km/2.5h*60min/1 h=270,000/2.5=108,000km/h

I think that i'm confused.

It seems like you're trying to calculate the speed, but your calculation may be incorrect. Let me break it down for you step by step.

Given information:
Distance = 4,500 km
Time = 2.5 hours

To calculate speed, we use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the formula.
Speed = 4,500 km / 2.5 hours

Step 2: Perform the division operation.
Speed = 1,800 km/h

So the correct answer is 1,800 km/h, not 108,000 km/h.

It appears that you may have made a mistake when performing the division. To avoid confusion and mistakes when calculating, it's important to keep track of units and perform each step accurately.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!