Explain why a trapezoid a quadrilateral, but why all trapezoids are not always quadrilaterals.

If a shape has four sides, no equal angles or sides, what is it?

This is an opinion fill in the blank, but I can't think of any words.
You give me love,
You gave me life,
you give me shelter,
you gave me ____________.

a quadrilateral has four sides, but a trapezoid has a pecular shape of a four sided figure.

you gave me shingles.

you gave me strength

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral because it is a polygon with four sides. A quadrilateral is a general term for any polygon with four sides. However, not all trapezoids are always quadrilaterals. A trapezoid is a specific type of quadrilateral where one pair of opposite sides is parallel, but the other pair of opposite sides is not parallel. If both pairs of opposite sides were parallel, it would be a parallelogram instead.

If a shape has four sides, no equal angles or sides, it would be an irregular quadrilateral. An irregular quadrilateral is a quadrilateral where the sides and angles are not all equal. It may have different lengths for its sides, and its angles may have different measures. Examples of irregular quadrilaterals include trapezoids and kites.

Regarding your fill in the blank statement, it seems like you're looking for a word that completes the series. Given the phrases "You give me love," "You gave me life," "You give me shelter," it implies a pattern of receiving something. One possible word to complete the series and maintain this pattern could be "comfort."